Greg and Mark
Impact is a St. Andrew podcast ministry that features interviews with gifted Bible scholars to help you grow in your understanding of Scripture. The guests on this podcast have dedicated their lives to teaching God’s Word and provide great blessings through their valuable insight. Each episode focuses on a section of Scripture and gives the guest an opportunity to share wisdom that will help you grow in your understanding of Scripture. As you grow in your understanding of Scripture, it will have a greater impact on your life. Episodes range from 20-40 minutes and are released every Monday.

Send your questions or feedback here.

Description of each episode here.



Impact guests include:

Pastor John Boggs
Luther Preparatory School
Dr. John Brug
Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary
Pastor Clinton Kreuziger
St. Andrew Lutheran Church
Dr. Stephen Geiger
Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary
Dr. Phil Huebner
Wisconsin Lutheran High School
Pastor Randy Hunter
St. Andrew Lutheran Church
Professor Paul Koelpin
Martin Luther College
Pastor Greg Lyon
Wisconsin Lutheran College
Dr. Mark Paustian
Martin Luther College
Pastor Jon Bilitz
Wisconsin Lutheran Chapel
Mr. Timothy Rimpel
Illinois Lutheran High School
Pastor Nathan Wordell
Wisconsin Lutheran College
Professor Paul Wendland
Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary
Pastor David Wenzel
Fox Valley Lutheran High School
President Earle Treptow
Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary